mount - Mount a file system
- The process of attaching a storage device to the file system tree is called mounting.
- Usage:
mount <device> <mountPoint>
- A file named
(short for file system table) lists the devices that are to be mounted at boot time.
- View a list of mounted file systems:
- Use the
flag to specify the file system type.
- Examples:
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myUSB
mount -t iso9660 /dev/sdc /mnt/cdrom
umount - Umount a file system
- The process of detaching the storage media from the file system tree is called unmounting.
- Usage:
umount <device>
- Always remember to umount your devices because, unmounting a device entails writing all the remaining data to the device so that it can be safely removed.
- Example:
Check all devices
- You can check all the devices by listing the
- Using the
tail -f /var/log/messages
technique is a great way to watch what the system is doing in near real-time.
fdisk - Manipulate disk partition table
- fdisk allows us to interact directly with disk-like devices at a very low level.
- Usage:
fdisk [arguments] [device]
- To view all devices:
sudo fdisk -l
- Unmount your device before working on it with fdisk.
- To see a list of the available partition types use
command after entering fdisk interactive mode.
- To change a partition's system id use
command in interactive mode.
- To write the changes use
command in interactive mode.
- Examples:
mkfs - Create a file system
- mkfs is short for make file system, it can create file systems in a variety of formats.
- Usage:
mkfs [arguments] [device]
- Use the
flag to specify system type.
- Examples:
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1
sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1
fsck - Check and repair system
- It stands for "file system check" and is used to check the integrity of file systems and repair corrupt file systems.
- Usage:
sudo fsck [arguments] [device]
- Example:
dd - Convert and copy a file
- It copies blocks of data from one place to another. So it can be used to clone devices.
- Usage:
dd if=<input_file> of=<output_file> [bs=<block_size> [count=<blocks>]]
- Example:
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/carlos/flashDrive.iso
genisoimage (mkisofs) - Create an ISO 9660 image file
- To create an ISO image file containing the contents of a directory, we use the genisoimage program.
- Usage:
genisoimage -o <outputFile> -R -J <directory>
- Example:
genisoimage -o cd-rom.iso -R -J ~/cd-rom-files
- Blank out a CD-RW device:
wodim dev=/dev/cdrw blank=fast
- Write an image into it:
wodim dev=/dev/cdrw image.iso
md5sum - Calculate an MD5 checksum
- Used to calculate the MD5 checksum of a file.
- Usage:
md5sum <file>
- Examples:
md5sum secretFile.txt
df - disk free
- It is used to check the total and available space.
- Usage:
df [options]
- Use the
flag to view the space in human readable format.
- Example: